Thursday, February 20, 2014

Getting Closer

Here it is 2+ weeks since the last update and we're almost only 2 weeks away!  We will leave here ~9:45am on Friday, March 7th!  WHEEE!

Documents arrived right on time as scheduled!  Love those Regent guys and our consultant at The Cruise Authority!

Regent has seriously upgraded their documents container.  Instead of the grey obviously plastic fold-over that they've come in before, these came in a very leather-like dark brown iPad case!

No matter how much I searched, I could not find the iPad... somehow, it must have been lost between Miami and here!!  <GRIN> Alas, maybe Santa will take care of that next year!  Guess I'd better wear my "Good Girl" shirt the rest of the year!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Excitement abounds!

Just had a note from our Cruise Consultant.  Our travel documents are being UPS'd from her office today and should be here Wednesday!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

But who's counting???

We are now 4 weeks and 5 days from departure, but who's counting???!!